Fuckin’ Waaaa

It has been brought to my attention that I have slacked off on the writing. Of course, I’m aware of this. My blog is a constant whisper in the back of my mind begging me to not forget, to cultivate, practice, strengthen this blog and become a better writer in general. It’s just…I haven’t felt like I have anything of interest to say. Like nobody really cares. I think I construct my words in a fairly cohesive matter I just don’t have any content that is of interest to any one but myself and maybe a curious by-passer or two. Certainly the majority of my friends or acquaintances have no desire to take the time to sit down and read this.

And why should they?

As I said before, this is purely to get my own thoughts out of my head. I’m not imparting some great wisdom upon this world. I’m not sharing a significant event that will help anyone move past a similar experience, although at one point I thought I was. I am simply egotistical enough to think anyone would be interested enough to read about my boring life. Or that I was talented enough to make my day to day seem interesting to anyone other than myself.

I have specifically asked for individual friends to read and likewise asked for feedback. They have simply told me they haven’t had a chance to read. One person reads and she says it’s good. My guy says it’s good but that is only because I hold him hostage and read it out-loud to him.

Truly, I have nothing to say. I may as well go back to writing in my paper journal. Except I feel as if my words are more…clear…when placed in a digital format and more raw in my journal. Both serve their purpose.

So I suppose I won’t close this out completely but I probably won’t advertise anymore. No sense in spamming my Instagram and Snapchat if nobody wants to read.

I’m not exactly mad. Nor am I throwing a pity party. It’s nobody’s fault that I have nothing of interest to write about! My life is much like my body at the moment, I’m suffering from the dreaded summer head cold. My head is stuffy, body achy, and I want to get outside and LIVE but I also want to go to sleep until I can breath and stop coughing.

Until next time….

~ Razz

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